How Pigeon Nets are Fixed or Installed to Balconies - Ideal Bird Netting India
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Pigeon safety nets for balconies are typically installed by attaching them to the edges of the balcony using a combination of hooks, clamps, and cables. The exact method of installation will depend on the specific design of the netting and the type of balcony it is being installed on. Here are some general steps that may be involved in the installation process:

  1. Measure the dimensions of the balcony and cut the pigeon netting to size.
  2. Attach hooks or clamps to the edges of the balcony, and secure the netting to the hooks or clamps using cables or other fastening methods.
  3. Make sure the netting is stretched tight and free of wrinkles or sags, to prevent pigeons from getting caught or trapped in it.
  4. Check that the netting is securely fastened and properly tensioned.
  5. Installation may also include drilling or screwing into the building structure to secure the netting.
  6. Regular maintenance is necessary to keep the netting in good condition and to ensure it continues to effectively keep pigeons out of the balcony area.

It is important to note that installation should be done by professional like us and experienced installer to ensure the net is properly fixed and secure. because without safety belts & safety precautionary fixing the net by purchasing online leads to dangerous accidents.

You may give a day labour but you will save your life too. Think Netting, Think Ideal Bird Netting.

Ideal Bird Netting

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